#because people still actually reblog my old posts here and have things to say
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veronicaneptunes Β· 1 year ago
Not to go on a tangent but I really, really do feel like the reason tumblr as we have known it feels it's dying is not because of the staff size being reduced or anything like that, it's been going on for much longer than that- the community aspect of this website just feels more and more non-existent.
People aren't reblogging anywhere near as much, and when they do they rarely have anything to say anymore. Back in the day it was not at all uncommon for someone to reblog one of the gifsets I'd spent hours painstaking making to show numerous parallels from a series and they'd add interesting or sweet or thoughtful commentary or meta to it.
Writers would reblog a beautiful piece of art and maybe leave a poem or a short ficlet inspired by the art.
People would have interesting back and forth conversations about many different topics, and it was always fun to see what different people thought or felt about something.
Someone would post a selfie and we'd all comment how nice their outfit was or how cute their hair colour looked, if they said it was okay to reblog, you'd reblog it and tag it #Lovely people or something of the sort. You'd reblog your friends pets and say how cute they were.
Now? Sure there's still people here who do these things, who try hard to be friendly, to support other creators but it's just fundamentally nowhere near as much. People can barely count on long time mutuals and friends to reblog a gifset or a piece of art they'd spent hours on. But in the past most of us never had an issue reblogging something from someone you were mates with, even if it was something you didn't know- You could still find time to comment. Let alone people who you didn't know, who you didn't follow. But still! You had an interest in common! In the past that was enough, you'd reblog their post and say something kind. Now? We might as well be on instagram. Just throw a like on it and call it a day. What community.
13 notes Β· View notes
gendermuddledenby Β· 12 days ago
Detrans Me Notes Game Challenge
17/03/2025 - 17/03/2026
So. I decided to join in on the Notes Games I've been seeing around the place. 😳
I've been thinking I'd like to test expecting people to try more interesting ways of upping the note count though, hopefully turning the post itself into something fun for everyone else to be engaging with itself, not just the knowledge I'll be doing everything the hit Note Goals say. [Thereby upping the note count as more people engage with it...]
(I will be honest about this and stick to my promises here because the point of this game is me enjoying being β€˜forced’ into accepting these consequences. I myself chose to put them on here. Nothing I've included has been coerced in any way. I'm a consenting adult who has decided to do this challenge specifically because I've found I really enjoy degradation and handing over control in certain ways. Forced Feminisation - especially through brainwashing - is apparently a big one, so feel free to go as hard as you like on anything listed here which gives you any level of control over how feminine things I get end up being or how much I'm being hypnotised into behavioural and mental modification. And obviously do try to get these notes up; I'm excited to have no choice but to do these things, even the big, riskier goals at the end. I know I firmly say 'this is just a kink' all the time, but engaging with this post specifically hoping it changes me is fine. I really want to test the line/experiment a little and see if my brain can resist that much conditioning and still feel masc-leaning nonbinary at the end, or if that identity is shaky and easily remoulded into a more feminine form. 😳 The risk of actually being pushed over the line is part of the kink here this time. The only exception is that I will NOT be stopping my Testosterone until I have the voice I want. I may play with people encouraging me to go off it, but going off it suddenly without consulting a doctor is dangerous and I'm not doing that for kink. And if my mental health starts to take a real life hit, I will be either pausing the game on my end or closing it entirely. My safety comes first.
Transfemmes please DO feel welcome to comment NSFW directly toward me on this post. [See my Pinned for why this is relevant. My personal limits are complex for trauma reasons, but I've decided to try opening up a little with this game as part of getting the fuck over it because most transfemmes are wonderful people and my fear is disproportionate and ridiculous. Help me relax and enjoy it again if you feel comfortable doing so. If you always follow boundaries, you are a safe person. It's as simple as that.]
Please only post sexual comments directed straight at me like the type I've suggested below if you are 25+. I've explained this in my Pinned. You can like and reblog if you're 18-24, and please do if you want to,Β  but please also stay out of the comments section itself unless you're directing your comments at someone else other than me, it's a not-direct-kink suggestion for the Notes Goals like β€˜what if you do this thing for longer to make the stakes higher’ or something, or it's SFW in nature. Interactive goals I want only 25+ year olds to interact with will be marked as [25+ Only] at the beginning. Please feel free to interact with/follow any that don't say that.
ALL ages above 25 are welcome to directly engage me in kink. Yes, that includes dirty old people. I'm almost 30; I've pretty much reached the most sexually mature I'm going to get as far as I can tell. You're doing nothing wrong interacting with me sexually. I know what I'm doing and I doubt even more age can take that any further now, but feel free to talk to me in DMs first if you want to test how mature I am to feel sure I know what I'm doing with myself.)
1. NO Daddy/Mommykink, Ageplay, Inc*st, Scat/Piss/etc, Rimming mentions, or any type of Anus/Urinary Tract To Mouth, thank you. I reserve the right to those hard limit boundaries still. Ykinmkato of course. I'm not saying this to shame you. I just need it kept off my post. [If you manage to come up with something else I didn't know existed and it turns out to be a hard limit for me, I'll just add it on here/my Pinned limits list and your comment will be deleted but still counted with a β€˜Good for one note’ comment from me in its place.]
2. No single numbered comments or the same comment over and over again or single word comments, or anything else you think of to make this too easy and quick or it won't be fun for anyone. Every sentence must be complete. You can send one sentence per comment if you want to be facetious, but they must be complete sentences; no breaking them up to double your note count. BE CREATIVE. Everyone does lazy spamming. I want to make something new with this. 🧐 [25+ only] If you can come up with multiple comments with each taunting me in different ways with how you'll go about making this get lots of notes quickly, your usual repertoire of kinky detrans ideas, etc - go for it. :D You can degrade and belittle and misgender and demoralise me to your heart's content in there, just focus on fun and let the note count be a secondary bonus. [You can approach it like posting about the same kinks and ideas in multiple different ways on your blog if that helps. If you can write 50 different posts about forcing a fakeboy to suck your cock, you can do the same in my notes to keep things fresh, interesting and exciting]. Don't you want to keep me in suspense, always nervously checking the notes to see if they've gone up again? Half the fun is making the game last and steadily making me do more and more... keyword 'steadily'....
3. Each comment must be original, at least in the sense that you as an individual haven't said it in the comments yet; other people having said it is fine and your version still counts.
4. Each comment will be counted as a note even if it's in a reply tree, so feel free to talk to each other as well, just stay relatively on topic even if you’re not talking about me specifically.
5. [25+ only] Surprise me. Amuse me. Delight me. DEGRADE ME. Talk about how these things will turn me into a girl no matter how much of a game I'm treating it or other things along those lines or whatever else you can think of to really drive home the forced feminisation theme of this game. Go about your day, think of something else, and come back into the comments to share it. Attack my psyche and question why I'm doing this. Am I doing it for fun as a sure-fire nonbinary with a kink or do I just secretly want permission to be a girl? Try to convince me of it. This is consensual kink. Go for your life. [If it accidentally crosses a boundary I forgot to lay or didn't clearly communicate then I'll just delete it and write a comment in its place saying β€˜Good for one note’ since that was still a note and should count toward the game. This will only be done if the comment definitely doesn't violate already existing limits listed here.] DO feel free to talk about me like I'm not even there reading all of these. [Just remember boundaries because I will in fact be reading them.] DO misgender me in the third person. Speculate on what my deadreal name might be and why you think it suits me. Talk about what you want to do to me/how you would forcibly detransition me if you had more control than I've already given you here and compare notes with others [25+ only] etc. Just because I won't do something irl doesn't mean you can't taunt me with the idea of it, like making me go without my IUD to an orgy and get men to creampie me and don't take a plan B. Talk about what a coward I am for not going off T and how much better I'd feel if I just stopped taking it, etc. Whatever you like. Just have fun with it. :D This is about all of us enjoying degrading me through forcing feminisation onto me/talking about most things to do with that even if it's not a goal on here, and me having fun being β€˜forced’ to do these things. I want to come into the comments both horrified by the note count and actively intrigued by what people are saying to me/about me to others. 🫣
Don't just spam random sentences/focus solely on increasing the note count. Enjoy yourselves. Get creative with it. The note count will go up just fine. :D
6. [25+ only] DO actively try to bait me into replying to you. Every Note counts, including my own. πŸ˜₯😳
7. OH AND REMEMBER TO REBLOG FOR REACH. Also, there's a very special goal set for 500 notes involving reblogs, and if you get REBLOG note count up high enough I'll have to say a LOT of extremely feminising lines including calling myself my deadname. Just think, if you get me hundreds reblogs I'll be saying "My name is ...." so much I might accidentally deadname myself when someone asks my name...😰
Every 10 Notes - I listen to one round of Mistress Lillith’s Passive Feminisation track with a vibrator on my clit, edging myself while touching both of my nipples. [Countering with Passive Masculinisation is allowed. For now...]
Every 25 Notes = People get to pick their favourite/whichever tracks they like of detrans/feminisation/bimbofication hypnosis from anywhere and I have to listen to them all the way through, with people submitting them specifying if they want me to close my eyes for it or watch a spiral. [I'll pick and listen to one for each 25 notes. So if, for example, I get 10 sent to me in the next day or so after this reaches the first 25 notes, I'll be listening to them over the course of 250 notes. Up to you if you want to send those to the comments to be counted for further notes or send me an ask if you want to include a specific spiral you want me to watch while listening etc]
Every 50 Notes = I shave and keep my leg hair to feminine smoothness for another week.
75 Notes = I listen to a Mistress Lillith feminisation or bimbofication file every night before bed for a week. [Safety File allowed. This time…]
100 Notes - I listen to every single one of @ confusedcunny's detransition audio files [excepting Detrans December as I want to do that in December if I do it at all] in one night, edging the whole time. I'm not allowed to cum until the end. When I am close to cumming I have to say β€œMy name is …. β€œ and then my deadname as I climax. The files will have already made me say it repeatedly too.
200 Notes - [25+ only] I will put a handful of lingerie pictures up as potential purchase options in a poll and people can vote on what I get. I'll send a picture of the lingerie as proof I got it when it arrives.
300 Notes - I have to wear feminine clothes all day. I'm allowed to avoid contact with anyone in my general life while I do this and just stay home, but I'm not allowed to take any of it off until bed time.
400 Notes - [25+ only] I have to look at a spiral with my vibrator on my clit and state any mantras you guys give me (be mindful of listed boundaries!!!!), allowing a minute for each mantra. One mantra per person. Maximum of 15 because my attention span can probably only last that long with too much repetition. [You can send me spiral gifs too if you put it in an ask. If you decide to post the mantra you want me to say in the comments, please put it in "" and maybe even say 'Mantra:' before it if you like. You absolutely can send me your mantra BEFORE I hit 400 notes and yes those count as notes.😳]
500 Notes - I edge myself with my vibrator and have to say β€œI am female. I am a girl. I am a woman. My name is…” and then my deadname, while looking at a spiral. I have to say this once for every reblog note I get. I'm not too worried though because so few people reblog nowadays… πŸ˜… UPDATE: Apologies for not making this part of the rules to begin with. I now have to take however many reblogs are done by the time I actually get around to starting this task. So the longer I delay, the more repetitions of calling myself a female/girl/woman AND my deadname per repetition you get to make me do. 🫣😳😰 And I simply don't have time today to finish that task, so as of this edit, you have at least 12 hours to pump those reblogs if you want... 😰😰😰😰 Let's cap it at say, 10 per person though now, k? So people can still have fun brainwashing me/I can have fun being brainwashed over time and over multiple angles of tasks rather than in one big hit, k?😰Max of 300. I do have attention span limitations to factor in as well. Sorry.πŸ˜”
750 Notes - I play Mistress Lillith’s Passive Feminisation over my earphones, listening to it constantly in my ears on loop for an hour a day for a week regardless of what I'm doing, giving it plenty of chances to creep into my mind and make me more receptive to feminisation. [Countering with Passive Masculinisation is no longer allowed. πŸ˜₯]
1,000 Notes - I'll get my ears pierced and pick the girliest piercing option to have to wear constantly for 6 weeks while the holes heal.
1,250 Notes - I learn how to do makeup and doll myself up. I can’t send any pictures of my face so I'll try sending a chin and lips shot only if anyone wants to see.
1,500 Notes - [25+ only] The first 5 people to notice I hit this mark and want to DM me to participate get to go on Temu and pick any feminine thing they want me to buy and use. Only rules are that we discuss my price range at the time (remembering that 4 others will be doing the same thing) and I get to ask for another choice if I know it won't fit me or will be a sensory issue etc. But I do have to let you pick something else and keep letting you until you find something that will work. I'm not allowed to reject it for any reason except for price, incompatible sizing options or likely sensory issues. [Edit: I'm thinking of saving $200 over the time it takes to get to this goal, and then splitting it up on a first come - 😜 - first serve basis. 1st person to DM gets $80, 2nd gets $60, 3rd gets $40, 4th gets $12, and the 5th gets $8. I suggest the last two look at jewelery as even the cheaper clothes tend to cost at least $13 from what I've seen. It's 100% up to you of course, that's just a suggestion in case you're wondering if you can even pick anything with that. Temu has some lovely jewelery options for often between $2-$10. Remember also I'll still be the one buying it. You're not paying or being given money; you just get to do all the fun parts. πŸ˜‰]
1,750 Notes - I'll get a more feminine haircut like a pixie or something and I have to keep it like that for a minimum of 3 months. Who knows, maybe I'll like it and permanently keep it that way. 😳
2,000 Notes - I have to wear all feminine clothing and makeup while at home in private, no exceptions. Heels (unless I start experiencing health risks from them in my body), lingerie, skirt&blouse/dresses, jewellery and makeup. All day (other than when I have to interact with people but don't worry I'm still home every day for at least 8 hours of a nighttime even if I have a busy interactive day), every day, until the end of the year. If you want me dressing like this for something like 12hours a day for the next however many months there ends up being between time you get this post to 2,000 notes and the end of the year [17/03/2026], making me behave like the girliest girl I can possibly manage for over half my year, then you know what to do. πŸ˜₯
3,000 Notes - I listen to Mistress Lillith’s Feminine Patterns and Heel Slave files - her most dangerously effective feminisation hypnosis files - all the way through every day for a week. [I've changed this goal because I found out Heel Slave is actually far more dangerous and also I get bored listening to files too frequently so I figure if I have to listen to all three once each every that not only keeps in the spirit of the original goal, but also makes it stronger due to Heel Slave being involved now] If you guys manage to get me to this goal by the end of May, I’m not allowed to listen to the Safety File either, exposing me to deep behavioural and mental changes which will last a while even once the conditioning and reinforcement have stopped, potentially turning me behaviourally and mentally into a girl for real until it wears off. 😰
4,000 Notes - I put together a few outfits and put them up in a poll, and people here can vote which one I wear. Then I'll wear that outfit out to a pub and sit there for an entire hour minimum while everyone there assumes I'm a girl and I'm not allowed to correct them about it if they talk about me with feminine markers. If you guys get me here by July and I can use my name non-legally while there, I’m only allowed to give my deadname.
5,000 Notes - I listen to every one of Mistress Lillith’s most dangerously effective feminisation hypnosis files - including Feminine Patterns - all the way through every day for 2 weeks, without listening to the Safety File… This has an extremely high and demonstrable risk of changing me into an actual girl behaviourally and mentally until it wears off. With this level of conditioning it will probably stick around for months. 😰
Every Note Over 5,000 - is one day I have to listen to one of MistressLillith's feminisation and/or bimbofication hypnosis files all the way through without listening to the Safety File. With this level of conditioning the behavioural and mental changes will stick around for ages. 😰
7,500: I have to wear a temporary womb tattoo constantly until it peels off on its own, then immediately put on a new one all the way through until the end of the Note Game Year. If I fuck people they get to see it right there on my skin and I'll have a difficult time explaining why I insist on being seen as masc-leaning nonbinary but have a very obvious womb tattoo right there making them question otherwise...πŸ˜–πŸ˜₯😳 I am planning on hopefully dating again properly soon which means people will see me naked...🫣πŸ˜₯😳
10,000 Notes: I continue as above, but I have to start listening to Mistress Lillith's Resist Or Forget file before the day's main file. On top of this, for 3 days a week I get a little inebriated and wait until it fully hits before listening. I may still try to fight it [provided I even have any fight left in me by this point], but with the inebriation weakening my mental faculties - and after so much constant conditioning to submit and obey her voice, suggestions and commands already, let alone with a daily resistancebreaker file added to the mix - it's going to be soooo much harder, and soooo much easier and nicer to just relax and allow the hypnosis in like raindrops falling over a tropical ocean, eliminating any masculinity and driving the feminine transformation deep into the furthest recesses of my identity...
This is your chance to keep my brain constantly marinating in conditioned feminine behaviours and mentality for much of a year, and if I'm still fighting it by 10,000 notes, the inebriation and resistancebreaker file will whittle away at and eventually destroy it, leaving me wide open and completely helpless as all this conditioning and training finally gets its chance to break me completely and permanently take control. If anything is going to convert me back into and keep me a girl, it's this.
This Game ends a year from now. Let's see if I'm still masc-leaning non-binary by the end of it.
See link below to where I'm attempting to keep track of what I owe and will be crossing things off as I do them. Polls will also be linked to through here:
And track the overall results of this detransition training here:
If I hit Stage 7 my identity is probably lost forever...
661 notes Β· View notes
platinumink Β· 3 months ago
Headcanon: Telemachus wears Odysseus’ clothes
I can’t stop thinking about this: I imagine Odysseus did not take notice during the songs β€œOdysseus” and β€œI can’t help but wonder” but Telemachus is 100% wearing his dads clothes in the songs in my opinion - at least the cape and stuff - to feel closer to him.
A day later, Ody finally takes a shower and goes to his closet to check out his wardrobe and finds it ransacked (like almost nothing is left that the clothes that are still present are only undergarments or oversized clothing). He asks his wife about it and she has no idea so Ody wears something a little big on him (he also definitely lost weight on his journey). During breakfast, in strolls Telemachus wearing his dads garments, belt, sword holding thing, jewelry and more, completely oblivious about the situation as both Penelope and Odysseus look at him in sudden realization. Odysseus does not speak about it as his son plops down next to him to start eating only to finally get what was going on.
He gets really embarrassed and wants to shoot up immediately to change and apologize but Ody shuts that down quickly by pushing his son back on his seat, puts his arm around his shoulder, smiles proudly and looks to his wife (who is hiding her laughing under her breath) and say that he will need a new wardrobe because a little owl kit has nicked his old one (or something like that). Telemachus, who is still embarrassed and red-faced hides his face in his dads hair, mumbling justifications but is told to relax and that it is fine and endearing and that Ody is actually happy that he could be there for his son at least in this way.
and now i’ve made myself cry by writing this out 😭
if anyone wants to write fanfiction about this, please tag me, i really want to see what people would do with this premise :’ D 🩡🩡🩡
Edit: now with official fanfiction by yours truly as well :D Can be read here 🩡🩡
Edit 2: another headcanon in this fandom can be found here (i'm already working on a fanfiction but work and uni have been crazy lately- if someone else wrote something, please tell me so i can thank them) 😭😭🩡🩡
Edit 3: I just checked in on this post and THANK YOU SO MUCH ON ALL OF THE LIKES AND REBLOGS! I never expected this to blow up like this! 😭😁🩡🩡
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isa-ghost Β· 1 month ago
Every time I see someone call Lullah "Tallulah" I lose 5 years off my life. Just say you still support W***** S*** and go, honestly.
Her name is Lullah.
Ama (her admin) specifically asked to not be called Tallulah anymore after The Brighton Biter was proven to be an abusive, sexist, disgusting piece of shit by multiple women who have known him. One of his other victims literally spoke out a few days ago on TikTok and it eventually found its way to Twitter. She changed her name to Lullah, the nickname Phil would often call her, to further dissociate herself from WS. This is also why her egg model was changed to have black hair and a purple hat instead of the brown and red that came from The Biter's common fanart depictions.
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(Thanks @deniz20234!)
Here's a clip of the discussion:
(Thanks @masked-ragdoll!)
Her nametag was even changed in-game.
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Players who called her Tallulah were CORRECTED and told to call her Lullah. Lullah is NOT a nickname, it's her ACTUAL name from the time she said she wanted to be called Lullah onward. People wouldn't be corrected if it was just a nickname.
Calling her one or the other IS NOT OPTIONAL. And the ONLY people still calling her Tallulah deliberately are people who don't believe WS's victims and proudly loathe the rest of the QSMP community for rightfully erasing WS from QSMP as much as possible.
They even went as far as making a whole big deal and new tag(s) drawing Lullah's old WS copycat design calling her "The REAL Tallulah." These are things I've seen with my own eyes. These people openly harassed people who called her Lullah and spoke out against WS.
This post is to spread awareness for anyone who didn't know all of this somehow. This all took place on one of Phil's streams and I understand that not everyone watched his POV. And I am choosing to believe in good faith that SOMEHOW some people just haven't seen any clips or one of hundreds of posts from people in the community that were notifying the rest of the QSMP community to stop calling her Tallulah because her admin explicitly asked to be called ONLY Lullah for now on.
It's also intended to remind WS's supporters that they have no place in this community and their disrespect towards not only Ama's wishes but far more importantly: WS's victims will not be tolerated.
Stop calling her Tallulah. Her name is Lullah.
Please reblog this to help spread the awareness.
268 notes Β· View notes
project-sekai-facts Β· 16 days ago
Prskfacts 2nd anniversary!
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Today (March 13th) is the second anniversary of when I started posting trivia! Thank you so much for the support over the last two years, it means a lot and I'm glad people continue to enjoy the blog!
As of today there will be some changes to how this blog is run. Posts will continue to be daily, but most days will be reblogs of old facts instead of new ones (new ones will still be posted sometimes). It has been incredibly hard for me to keep posting daily over the last year and a half and I feel like the quality of trivia has been declining recently as I've been running out of things to post. I don't want that to continue, so I'll be focusing on quality over quantity from now on. Plus, it's been a long time and a lot of people weren't here for the older posts, so they'll be fun to revisit.
I will still be answering asks, but don't expect me to be as regular with this. It will probably continue at the rate it has for the past few months. This is just to give me time to focus on uni and personal life over this blog, which was getting to the point of being like a job for me. I will also be emptying my inbox today because it's got like 800 unanswered asks in it and I need it to be more manageable. Sorry to anyone whose questions I didn't answer, but feel free to send them again (submissions have been put on the queue).
Sorry this is a bit of a downer anniversary post. To reiterate, I'm not fully moving away from prsk or this blog, just reducing my activity. I hope you continue to enjoy prskfacts for the next year!
So in January 2024 I explained what 4kids was to an anon and said this:
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and someone said this in the tags:
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i decided explaining shadow the hedgehog lore in depth was the funniest way to semi-retire from this blog that wasn't posting "sayonara you weeaboo shits" or posting my shitpost drafts and going radio silent afterwards. so thank you to the person who said that you gave this blog a slightly less unceremonious death. also if ur a new sth fan who got in bc of the movie this might be useful idk i mainly just wanted an excuse to talk about shadow the hedgehog
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So 50+ years before the events of peak fiction Sonic Adventure 2, we have Gerald and Maria Robotnik, Eggman's grandfather and cousin respectively. Gerald was a revolutionary scientist/roboticist (and archaeologist, this will be relevant later) and one of the greatest minds of his time, making huge scientific developments with the goal of bringing hope and happiness to humanity. One of his greatest inventions was a space station for scientific research, the Space Colony ARK, which served as his main lab from then on. The construction and operations of the ARK were partially funded by the United Federation (in-universe USA), but primarily funded by GUN (Guardian Units of Nations, the in-universe US military).
So SA2 is an extremely anti-military game. That's going to become apparent from here on out. So, GUN wants weapons in exchange for funding, and they're starting to get annoying about it. Obviously this is not what Gerald wants, so he asks the President of the UF if he can intervene, since the govt is the other source of funding. So the president says he'll do that, but he also sucks and decides to ask Gerald to invent immortality. Gerald hates the idea of this just as much, and shoots it down immediately, not to mention it being an impossible task.
However, back on Earth, Maria gets sick, and is diagnosed with NIDS (neuro-immuno deficiency syndrome (EN) or native immunodeficieny syndrome (JP), either way it's clearly based on AIDS), a terminal illness. Gerald manages to get Maria brought up to the ARK when treatments on Earth are failing so the team up there can do assessments and research treatments. The low gravity on the ARK also helps to keep the illness' effects at a low, for the most part. Maria's family back at Earth isn't exactly happy about all this though (the Robotnik family drama isn't actually too important here I just wanted to talk about it).
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So the president keeps pushing for the immortality thing, and Gerald figures he can use this to find a cure for Maria, so decides to go forward with Project: Shadow, named as such because "the concept [of immortality] is as intangible as a shadow". GUN still wants weapons as well, which is where the archaeology thing starts coming into play. So to tie SA2 into its predecessor, there's these robots that look like the god Chaos from SA1. Gerald had researched Chaos in the past, and builds robots based on it to give to GUN.
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Okay now we're finally getting closer to actual Shadow stuff. The scientists are using a Chaos Emerald in their research into immortality, and develop Chaos Drives using the Chaos Energy from the emerald. Gerald also supplies GUN with these drives so they can use them as a power source to try and appease them (they still use them 50 years later to power their mechs, GUN robots drop them when destroyed in SA2). The staff test out these drives on a salamander when they feel they're developed enough to be used on living tissue. Some time later, the salamander being used in testing has such rapid cellular growth that it can't survive on its own, and it becomes violent and uncontrollable, prompting Gerald to build it a life support pack and seal it away in the ARK's basement (functionally). This is the Biolizard, the prototype Ultimate Life Form and the final regular boss of SA2 (also one of two characters with a confirmed birthday, that being January 27th).
More Robotnik family drama stuff just bc I feel like mentioning it, you can skip this paragraph. So Maria's been up on the ARK for a while now, enough years that some scientists on the ARK think she was born there, and Gerald isn't making any progress with creating a cure. Some of the scientists are even starting to doubt that Maria is even ill, since her symptoms are invisible most of the time. Also, the rest of the Robotnik family is losing faith in Gerald and it's getting to a point where they want either a cure or for her to be sent home to be with her family. Gerald cannot yet provide a cure, but he also does not want to send Maria home because she will die. See now Gerald has a pretty big ego. He constantly talks about how much of a genius is and has boundless confidence in himself, which only now is being put to the test. He keeps biting off more than he can chew, and it's starting to cost his family.
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Here we fucking go. Exactly 50 years prior to the game Shadow the Hegdehog, the Black Comet passes by Earth. This comet it the home of an alien race called the Black Arms, led by this demonic looking alien guy called Black Doom. Gerald makes contact with the comet, and strikes a deal with Doom, who was interested in Gerald's work with the Chaos Emeralds. Black Doom lends his DNA to be used with Project Shadow, and it reacts well with the Chaos energy. See now Doom has this plan to invade Earth next time his comet comes by, and he wants the thing Gerald is making to be able to do that for him essentially. An Ultimate Life Form is pretty appealing when you want to conquer the Earth.
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Also fun thing that originates from a 4koma but was brought up for the first time in English in Shadow Generations: Maria is the one who named Shadow. He originally called the project "Project Shadow" out of mockery as mentioned earlier, and also thought the name sounded too dark for the project he was using to help develop a cure to Maria's illness. However Maria said that he should name the hedgehog he created "Shadow", because a shadow shows the way to the light. Maria also designed Shadow's shoes and inhibitor rings to try and reduce the strain his body will be under from the alien DNA and Chaos energy (Gerald's Journal specifically refers to them as mobility and focus aids). Fun fact 3 if you hack the camera during the lab cutscene in Shadow 05 there's multiple failed Shadow prototypes in the room.
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So why is Shadow a hedgehog? It's not ever been confirmed, but it is heavily implied that Shadow was based on the Hidden Palace mural from Sonic 3 & Knuckles. This is an ancient prophetic mural that depicts a blue creature glowing gold fighting a robot that has the Master Emerald. It's depicting the true final boss of the game. We know Gerald visited Angel Island and, while it's never mentioned, it's likely that he saw this mural and made Shadow in the blue/gold figure's likeness (which is why Shadow looks like the Adventure-era Super Sonic design specifically).
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We're gonna have to go back to the archaeology stuff for a bit. Years before Project Shadow one of Gerald's sons (presumably Maria's dad, since it's stated that the other son is a roboticist and it makes sense for him to be Eggman's dad) discovers this robot built by an ancient civilization while doing some archaeology shit. Gerald finds it in a warehouse some time later while on the ARK. After researching into it more he discovers that this robot is a weapon capable of mimicking the combat and abilities of other people and weapons as well as being reactive to the chaos emeralds. Presumably Gerald puts the robot back into storage because his Journal (the shadow gens one) doesn't mention him again for ages.
So fast forward to Shadow being in-progress. Gerald is researching the robot again and discovers that it is called a Gizoid (he is later given the name Emerl in Sonic Battle). Emerl can establish a "Link" to a person, becoming completely loyal to them, provided they have some sort of power (Gerald shows Emerl a gun). As mentioned, Emerl is a weapon programmed to be very destructive, but currently Gerald has him under his control.
Although, GUN gets demanding again due to still not having results for the immortal super soldiers they wanted. So Gerald hands over Emerl, knowing full well the risk of GUN just giving him something more powerful than the gun Gerald had and developing a Link with them instead. GUN doesn't really give a shit about Emerl though and asks for something else. Gerald uses this as an opportunity to give them a massive, planet-destroying, Death Star-esque laser cannon, called the Eclipse Cannon. Obviously, GUN can never use it, but it's a big powerful weapon and they're the US military so they're happy with it. Its true function is actually for Shadow to use it to blow up the Black Comet when it comes back past Earth in 50 years, because of that whole deal about Shadow being used by Black Doom to conquer Earth. (Gerald does apologise in his journal for kind of actively ruining Shadow's life before he's even been born, but y'know he's kinda on a streak of making bad decisions at this point).
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Shadow is finally awakened and quickly becomes incredibly close with Maria, developing a sibling relationship. She tells him about her love for Earth and he takes care of her and looks out for her when she's struggling. Dialogue in Shadow 05 and Shadow Generations suggests that aside from testing and combat training, Shadow was treated like a fairly normal kid. Maria mentions running around the ARK and playing with him, as well as going to school with him (fun fact: Maria says in Shadow Gens that he never handed in any of his homework).
(To get Shadow age discourse out the way: he's physically 15. This is stated in his character bio in the leaked Sonic 06 script, which admittedly is not entirely accurate, but there's also other information to suggest this, such as him having the same height and weight as Sonic (15) and Silver (14) while Knuckles and Espio (both 16) are taller and heavier. And yeah there's some sources that put him as ageless and that script is the only thing to ever give him an actual age and all the character ages were removed from the official bios anyway due to a timeskip between Forces and Frontiers but you get the idea he's physically the same age as Sonic. Also no he did not age while frozen. Go win internet arguments or something)
Gerald also comes to think of Shadow like a son, which is funny because at this point in the Journal he stops referring to Maria's dad as his son. Likely because he and his wife had another child, which reads like they've lost hope in Maria being saved and are starting over. I mean yeah that's very clearly what's going on.
Unfortunately shit starts to go downhill from here. Emerl absorbs enough weapons to make him go out of control and he goes on a destructive rampage across the ARK. He's shut down and Gerald reprograms him with a 'soul' to prevent this from happening again, and a self-destruct function just in case it does. However, the rampage causes those Artifical Chaos robots I mentioned earlier to go out of control as well. Those are taken down as well but an SOS has been sent out to Earth by this point (there were also other general safety concerns bc of the evil demon aliens and. the military blaming other people for things they asked for)
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So GUN and the government kinda go "fuck we need to pretend like this isn't out fault" so GUN goes up to space and shuts down the colony. By raiding it and killing almost everyone on board, covering it up by saying there was an accident. Only three ARK residents are known to have survived: Gerald, Shadow, and a kid called Abe (who is the GUN commander in present day). Considering that they spared the only other kid on the ARK, Maria was probably shot because she was with Shadow and was helping him into an escape pod.
Shadow is found and put in cryo and Gerald is arrested by GUN and made to finish his research under supervision. Gerald learns Maria died and goes insane with grief. He becomes immensely hateful towards humanity as a whole and secretly reprograms Shadow's memories to make him think that Maria's final wish was for him to avenge her (by literally destroying the Earth) instead of what it really was, which was to protect the people of Earth. Gerald is then executed by firing squad.
(Additional Robotnik family lore: Takashi Iizuka confirmed not too long ago that Eggman was born after Maria died. Eggman also mentions that he didn't know Maria in one of his unlockable memos in Frontiers, but reveals that her death was felt throughout his childhood. Apparently the attention was never really on him due to everyone always focusing on how great Maria was. Knowing Eggman this may be a slight exaggeration but yeah there's speculation that the Robotnik Family Drama will be relevant at some point since they keep bringing it up in recent materials)
Fast forward 50ish years to SA2. Eggman finds his grandfather's journal from his supervised work while he was being held by GUN and learns about his work on the "Ultimate Life Form" who can destroy things. Eggman wants to conquer the world and he's like yeah I want that so he breaks into the GUN base where Shadow is in cryo. Eggman is also the first person in 50 years to try the password "Maria" to free Shadow (Gerald got to set the password for whatever reason they've rewritten the lore a couple times don't worry about it).
Also Shadow being freed is so funny like you gotta remember he's 15 and an emo bordering on theatre kid and also the last thing he remembers is his sister getting shot and he sees Eggman, probably didn't even clock that it wasn't Gerald for 30 seconds, and is like "I'll grant your wishes bring me the chaos emeralds and meet me on the ARK lol bye" and what he means is "we're gonna blow up the Earth bc the military killed my sister like 3 hours ago as far as i'm concerned" but like he doesn't tell Eggman this so Eggman's just like "fuck yeah let's take over the world". Eggman goes to meet Shadow on the ARK and Shadow explains the Eclipse Cannon and Eggman's like "cool I can use this to threaten Earth until everyone has to submit to me".
Also Rouge is here because she works for GUN as an agent and they want her to investigate Eggman and Shadow. Also GUN is stupid and keeps trying to arrest Sonic because he looks like Shadow and Shadow robbed a museum bc it had an Emerald. They literally have newsreel footage of Shadow and everyone's like "no this is Sonic" (this makes way more sense if you consider that Shadow's original design as when he was being developed as "Terios" was way closer to Sonic's). GUN arrest Sonic twice in this game, and attempt a third time. Sonic escapes police custody twice and evades arrest on the third one. He also says he doesn't like cops this is important. Anyway he and Shadow keep trying to kill each other. Sonic wants to know what the deal is but that doesn't stop him from trying to fight Shadow constantly. Shadow wants to blow up Earth but this also doesn't stop him from fighting Sonic constantly.
Eggman, Rouge and Shadow go to GUN's Prison Island where they send everyone they arrest and then steal the Chaos Emeralds that GUN has and blow up the island. Using the six Emeralds they have, Eggman powers up the Eclipse Cannon and livestreams himself blowing up the moon with it. The Heroes go to the ARK as well and there's some whole drama there but this ain't about them. Eggman gets the seventh Chaos Emerald and puts it into the cannon, which activates Gerald's doomsday plan that Shadow did not tell Eggman about. The ARK sets off on a crash course for Earth so now the Heroes and Eggman and Rouge are trying to turn it off.
Also there was a whole thing where Rouge looks into Project Shadow and all she can find is stuff about the Biolizard so she thinks Shadow is lying or delusional. I mean we know he's telling the truth but back then this was like adding to the mystery. Not that relevant in retrospect. Moving on.
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Back to Shadow. His goal is fulfilled and he's kinda just standing there looking out the window as the ARK falls. Amy got left behind when everyone went to go shut down the ARK and she happens to find Shadow and asks what his deal is. She talks about the good of humanity and manages to partially say the exact same thing as Maria said when she put Shadow in the escape pod when she was dying. Shadow remembers Maria's wish for him to give everyone a chance to live and be happy, cries very briefly, and then runs off because he has his real memories back now and needs to fix this shit.
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Sonic and Shadow go Super and use Chaos Control to warp the ARK back into orbit and stop the doomsday program. However Shadow isn't accustomed to using a Super form and is weakened (there's this whole thing about Shadow realising that Sonic might be the true Ultimate Life Form if you take long enough on the final boss). Sonic warns him to return back to the ARK but he doesn't, and ends up losing his super form and falling to Earth, presumably dying (Twitter Takeovers are noncanon but #5 says that Sonic tried to save Shadow but Shadow let himself die because otherwise Sonic would've fallen with him and as far as he knew then, died with him. This isn't shown or mentioned in the games but is likely what happened given that Sonic comes back to the ARK afterwards with one of Shadow's inhibitor rings).
Shadow was actually meant to stay dead and SA2 itself was actually pretty vague about what really happened 50 years ago. Pretty much everything I mentioned prior to the SA2 summary was lore introduced in later media (this will be relevant later). But, Shadow ended up becoming the most popular character in the franchise so Sonic Team decided to bring him back for Heroes and write more solid lore for him.
In Heroes, Rouge is stealing some shit from Eggman and finds Shadow in A Tube so she lets him out. He's being guarded by a robot called E-123 Omega, who decides to fight them because he's angry and loves violence and killing things (not a joke). Rouge manages to stop the boys from fighting each other and is like "let's go find Eggman" so they do and also they're called Team Dark now. She wants his treasure, Shadow has amnesia and wants to know who he is and why he's here, and Omega wants to prove to Eggman he's the best robot ever and also kill and destroy things. I dunno why Rouge doesn't think to tell Shadow anything. I assume it's because this was the first third party mainline title and they wanted to keep things simple for new players who hadn't played SA2 which was only available on Dreamcast or Gamecube, neither of which sold well compared to the PS2 or Xbox.
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During the story Team Dark finds a Shadow Android, and later, shitloads of them in Eggman's warehouse. Shadow and the others aren't really sure if he's the real Shadow from SA2 or if he's another android who's just gained sentience. At least now Rouge is somewhat justified in not telling him anything since she's not sure if he's real now. Cue Shadow having an identity crisis. This plot carries over to the next game.
Shadow 05 takes place exactly 50 years after Gerald's deal with Black Doom. The Black Comet comes back to Earth and Doom and the rest of the Black Arms start invading and fucking shit up. So Doom wants Shadow to work for him and conquer Earth so he finds his son and asks him to go get the Chaos Emeralds. He also does not tell Shadow that he's his dad he just tells him what to do and leaves him to work it out and Shadow just does this without question because BD clearly knows who he is so he might be able to tell him who he is.
Shadow 05 is infamous for its choose-your-own-adventure story so to quickly list off the noncanon endings he can:
Destroy Earth (Pure Dark/Dark)
Conquer the universe (Pure Dark/Hero)
Side with his dad (Semi Dark/Dark)
Kill Eggman (Semi Dark/Hero)
Decide he's an android and kill Eggman (Neutral/Dark)
Decide he's an android and kill Eggman BUT take over the Eggman Empire and lead and android uprising this time (Neutral/Hero)
Stay on the ARK and become its protector (Semi Hero/Dark)
Have implied suicidal depression (Semi Hero/Hero)
Go insane with power?? idk what's going on (Pure Hero/Dark)
Say he's gonna kill his dad and presumably does it offscreen (Pure Hero/Hero)
The true ending (that doesn't actually lead from any of the previous so who knows how we got here) has Shadow obtain all the Chaos Emeralds and then BD uses them to bring his Comet into Earth's atmosphere so he can start destroying things. BD then loredrops that Shadow was made to help him conquer Earth and he processes this for like a minute then decides to kill BD. BD then loredrops that he's Shadow's dad and Shadow gets really close to crashing out over this one but the Chaotix manage to find an old tape from Gerald just in time and play it for him that helps calm him down a bit and tells him how to kill BD. Also it reminds him of the promise he made to Maria again.
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So he goes Super, kills his dad and blows up the Black Comet destroying the entire Black Arms race. Also if you take really really long on this boss fight then Eggman mentions that he found Shadow after he fell to Earth, confirming this is the real Shadow from SA2 and not one of the androids. After BD is killed Shadow seems to have mostly remembered everything and decides to move on from his past and become his own person.
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I'm assuming Sonic Battle takes place after Shadow 05 because he knows he was made by Gerald in this game. So Sonic finds Emerl, that Gizoid robot from earlier, and everyone befriends him but is also trying to work out who/what Emerl is. Sonic says that although Emerl is a weapon of mass destruction, he has a heart and he trusts him to not destroy things, just like Shadow. Shadow has a mini crisis over this and is wondering why he has a soul and feelings if he was created as a weapon and Rouge sits him down and tells him that Gerald didn't want him to be a weapon. Shadow still has Feelings about this but that's kinda it here.
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06 isn't canon and also barely makes sense but it had good Shadow characterisation. So we're gonna cover this as quickly as possible. So Shadow works for GUN now (for some reason?? it's only in this game whatever) and he and Rouge go to get The Time God of Italy. or half of it. this half of it is Mephiles, who takes the form of Shadow's shadow. Mephiles and Shadow keep fighting during the game and Mephiles taunts him that hundreds of years in the future, humans blame Shadow for the apocalypse (caused by Mephiles. who looks like Shadow. so) and put him in cryo again (oh yeah Shadow's immortal I don't think I ever clarified that but you probably worked it out). Anyway at the end of Shadow's story he says this raw ass line "if the world chooses to become my enemy i will fight like i always have" and then he takes off his inhibitors and blows up Mephiles. But Mephiles doesn't die and then kills Sonic and then fuses with the other half of the Italian Sun slash Time god and then there's the bit where a human girl kisses a dead Sonic and now he's alive again and triple S go super and blow up the Italian Time slash Sun god. Sonic then erases the god from existence and bam 06 isn't canon anymore praise be.
Is anyone still reading this. Why? I'm not even taking this seriously anymore I'm enjoying this way too much.
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So allegedly Sonic Prime is canon and it probably takes place somewhere vaguely around here. Sonic Prime actually doesn't fit on the timeline due to ooc and also Cubot and Orbot but it's "after Sonic Advance 3" so it's either before or after 06. Anyway Sonic accidentally breaks spacetime and is now hopping around the multiverse. Shadow is here too so that he has someone to play off of. They're like. Really gay here like there had to be at least one sonadow fan on the writing team why did they do the SA2 falling thing again that's evil. Also there's one line at the end of season 2 iirc that got translated into. actual romantic language in some dubs kinda like the destiel confession adding in the line for Dean in the Spanish dub. does this mean sonadow is destiel 2. i need to start calling buddie destiel 3. Shadow breaks the sound barrier 3 times in the finale to save Sonic's life while bridal carrying him. love wins. Sonic Prime is pretty mid but bonus points for good yaoi 7/10
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In terms of the next big Shadow lore game we have Shadow Generations. The Time Eater sends Shadow to the void but manages to send Maria and Gerald there too from a point in time not too long before shit went down on the ARK. Shadow kinda has the worst day of his life in this one. Also Black Doom managed to regrow himself but he's not at full power. He wants to use Shadow as a vessel due to him being the Ultimate Life Form and so activates all of Shadow's alien biology, making him "perfect" so BD can take over his body. In some ways this acts as closure for Shadow since yknow. He's had amnesia TWICE since he knew them and also the Gerald here gets to tell Shadow all the stuff that he'd only heard previously in recordings about the Black Arms. Gerald also finally Apologises to Shadow directly. Shadow gets like really angry at BD but Maria comforts him and tells him to not give into BD and his anger, since he exists to show the way to the light. Shadow kills his dad for a second time. Gerald and Maria are sent back to their time and Shadow tries to stop it and almost has a panic attack (for the second time this game he has one in the prequel) but Maria comforts him again. Shadow cries again and that's the end of the game.
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So by the time we get to Sonic Forces he's kinda just doing his own antihero thing and sometimes works with Team Dark. He kills (? at least beats the shit out of) Jackal Squad, a mercenary team that was working for Eggman at the time. He spares the leader and calls him weak and pathetic and leaves. And this GROWN ASS MAN throws a fit over this and decides he has to prove he isn't weak. So he agrees to be a test subject in Eggman's latest experiement with this rock called the Phantom Ruby that has incredibly inconsistent properties but the big one is Virtual Reality (this in itself is presented inconsistently). So Infinite is infused with the power of the Ruby and wears a mask now because his previous weakling face was unsightly or something. He then decides to shut down Omega and torment Shadow (who doesn't remember him) for calling him weak. He then tells Shadow he's gonna go kill Sonic for some reason. And then does (or at least everyone thinks he does). This is all in the prequel DLC. Shadow shows up halfway through the main game to help the heroes and that's about it.
And that's kinda it. There's the IDW comics in terms of what I'd consider major appearances but I'm like 2 years behind on those so idk what Shadow's up to in those now. There was also the July 2021 Sonic Channel story with him that kinda altered my brain chemistry. Not entirely sure when it takes place. Pre-Forces maybe? You can read a TL of it here.
Oh yeah I should clarify on what was said in the 4kids post. So in that I talked about how the dub in avoiding an onscreen character death actually caused Shadow MCD. Sonic X is interesting because it was developed at around the same time as the "Shadow arc" of games in the early 2000s and ends up taking a different approach to the truth of 50 years ago. I haven't watched X fully yet but from what I know about it Maria never knew Shadow. All of that stuff was made up by Gerald and put in Shadow's brain. Like Maria did exist and there's a whole episode where they meet the soldier who shot her but she didn't know Shadow. Iirc it was something to do with the escape pods she sent down being empty thereby implying Shadow was created entirely on Earth post-GUN raid.
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Following the game's SA2 adaptation and his later return, Shadow meets a girl called Molly in season 3. She's a fighter on her planet that's at war and mostly destroyed. Iirc she wants to keep fighting, but her friends are growing hopeless and think they're all just gonna die in battle and never get to live. Long story short, at the end of the episode, she sacrifices herself and charges her fighter ship straight at the enemy and is killed when it crashed into the enemy ship. In the series finale, Shadow helps Sonic fight Dark Oak, the main antagonist of the season, and isn't seen again afterwards, presumably having died. However, he shows up during the credits, visiting Molly's grave, confirming he's still alive.
4kids obviously didn't like the child death, so at the end of Molly's episode she ends up just flying away and says she'll come back someday. The scene of her grave is cut from the series finale for obvious reasons, but in turn makes it seems like Shadow died in the previous episode. Good shit.
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If you made it here. Good lord. Uh. I love my son he has every disease. He's so cute here I want to throw him at a wall.
Watch Love Live it's really good please just watch it. And then watch LL Sunshine because it's even better.
(Also yes this is the longest post on my blog)
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rageserenity Β· 1 year ago
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It's 2024. Are you still thinking about movieverse!Cherik? Because I am.
For the past several months, there's only been a very slow trickle of posts/fics in the xmcu cherik tag. Let's try to breathe some life back into this incredible pairing!
With one clear winner of my poll, here's thirty prompts for the thirty days of April. (This is a super chill, laid-back event---do these in any order, interpret them as loosely as you like! Create in any medium! Fic, art, gifs, meta, incoherent screaming about the otp…all winners in my book.)
The only rule here is to cherik too close to the sun. Alright. Here are the prompts.
Mutual Pining
Doesn't really even need elaboration! Write that horrifically slow slow-burn. Gif every time McAvoy made insane fuck me eyes on screen. Make a playlist of songs about impossible love.
2. Alternate Meetings
There are endless quotes about how these two complete each other in a way no one they'd met before or after ever did. How else could they have met?
3. Erik Has A Telepathy Kink
This is basically canon. Let my boy get freaky!
4. Canon Fix-It
All the times Fox fucked it up. There are endless options.
5. Hurt/Comfort
Put them in that Situation. Put them in that Blender. Break them apart and put them back together β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
6. Canon Compliant
Draw that missing scene! Gif your favourite cherik moment!
7. Beach Divorce
Make it worse. Make it better. Show it to us exactly how it was. Break it down in a 3,000 word meta. Go wild!
8. Domestics
Sometimes you just want to see them doing normal couple things. Erik put the gun down.
9. Found Family
The real heart of x-men!
10. Time Travel
There are SO many possibilities here. Stick them in a time loop. Give them a chance to change their past.
11. AU
Love a good AU!
12. There Is Only One Bed
Had to get this one in here. What better way to amp up the tension?
13. Genosha
By some miracle, cherik actually did end up together at the end of 2019s trash bag disaster Dark Phoenix. We aren’t making a big enough deal about this.
14. Declaration(s) of Love
Who says it first? How do they say it and when? Have they said it…without saying it?
15. Jealousy
Need I say more.
16. Reunion
These two have absolutely no chill.
17. Soulmates
Classic prompt, had to get this in here too.
18. The DOFP Aircraft
The TENSION here. Break it down for me. How does Charles feel about his injury? How does Erik feel about his injury?
19. Gay Mutant Road Trip
You already know.
20. Body Swap
SO fun when people have superpowers.
21. First Kiss
When? How? Who initiated it?
22. The Mansion
Mansion!content is a genre of its own.
23. Conflicting Ideology
Give me your theses. Who’s right? Can they ever reconcile completely? Write a fic where it drives them apart.
24. Sebastian Shaw
A trope unto himself.
25. Team As Matchmaker
They had to have known something was going on, didn’t they?
26. Cooking
Charles deserves a good meal. Also, imagine Erik using his powers in the kitchen. The sheer domesticity…
27. Hurt No Comfort
Plenty of scope with these two πŸ₯²
28. Growing Old Together
Giving Sirs Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stewart their props as well!
29. Making Up
*pushes chess board across the table* sorry babe
30. Charles Xavier Did More For Mutants Than You'll Ever Know
Rising to each other’s defense. Only I can insult this man.
I will be tracking #revivecherik to reblog stuff! Here’s a fic collection for the same. Let’s get this ball rolling! Please feel free to send me an ask if you’ve got anything to say! And most importantly, let’s all have fun 😁
*I know a few of you preferred something like a gift exchange because of the commitment factorβ€”I’m super down to organise a tiny one for the handful of us! If this promptathon doesn’t flop horribly, we can hopefully do a whole bunch of stuff :)
If you read this post all the way through, please reblog for reach! Thank you! Hoping you participate come April.
Shoutout to @inmymagnetoera for reaching out and helping with this!
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ladyloveroll Β· 7 months ago
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(These are my ACTUAL notes from my friends birthday party full of people who absolutely did not know who the fuck Itachi and Kisame were or how pairing names work or what a ship is.)
Writing kisaita (on and off) for 15 years
Never get tired of the ship
Excellent, friendly people in the fandom to keep making content (Cynni)
Presentation is less about the specific ship and more about the general qualities that make their ship S-tier. You may find this echoed in your own OTP, IDK.
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Powerful, badass characters who can kick anyones asses no problem, as depicted where they are casually taking a stroll after Kisame (who still has his little fo-hawk) casually takes down the four-tails
Kisame is noted as the β€˜tail-less jinchuuriki’
Itachi is clearly a fucking powerhouse, we don’t need to debate that
Working with strong characters means you are more easily able to portray their weakness and explore that side of them since that rarely gets screentime
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Auxiliary, not main characters
Main characters are harder to write because they spend a lot of screen time accomplishing their goal and doing Plot
Auxiliary characters are more malleable, and morally gray ones especially so
Depicted here are Itachi and Kisame, separately, being ordered by their villages to kill their own people. They carry this order out, but do not particularly like it. Nor are they particularly loyal to their own villages, despite carrying this order out. It’s hard to say where their loyalities lie.
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Any ship that has a timeskip has LOADS of canon-verse material you can work with, especially if it feels like the characters have changed or their dynamic has changed.
For Naruto especially, WTF are Kisame and Itachi doing for three years? Clearly neither of them are out capturing jinchuriki. They aren’t seen lounging around Amegakure or Akatsuki headquarters. They are just traveling the world. Probably doing hits. Probably hitting on EACH OTHER WOOOOOO
Long time skips mean a few thing: 1) Canon divergence, 2) Canon compliant, 3) pre-time skip, 4) during time skip, 5) post time-skip; and that’s not even the AU’s
They clearly haven’t made any other friends during this time either so lots of relationship to explore
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The Naruto franchise is notorious for retconning. Probably because Kishimoto (the writer) was pushed to create at a pace that was impossible for any sane or healthy man to keep up with.
Fanficition writers can take advantage of this poor writing by interpreting the character in a lot more ways than if the character was solidly written.
There are a lot of different ways Kisame is written, and accepted as so
Itachi less so but we don’t have time for that
Retconning allows you to take a writers mistake and turn it into utter brainrot that ten other people (me) will reblog every 3 years
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This one is kind of specific, but if you like angst then OH BOY this ship has a lot of potential for it
Any OTP that involves an angsty edgelord and a sadistic tagalong can indulge in either EXTRA ANGST and be able to balance out the angst with humor
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The KisaIta ship has 4 great themes about it:
And Existentialism of course
Sharkboy / lava girl
Edgelord / goof
Leader / follower
Maybe old? / a touch too young
Respect for each other
S-tier OTP because of strong themes and repeatable dynamics
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Kinkfest here we come
S-tier OTPs must be able to withstand an intense variety of smut writing
Powerful level = able to handle pain and dish out pain
Body things? = more positions
The Shape of Water was one of the single best thing to happen to the KisaIta 18+ fics because (even though it existed before the movie came out) a lot more readers were into it now
Also, Kisame makes this ship work more than Itachi. He is fucking DEVOTED
at this point I was running out of my 10-minutes (THEY HAD THE AUDACITY TO PUT ME ON A TIMER) so i just backfilled the rest of the presentation with fanart and memes i like
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Why do I like KisaIta?
I mostly write smut
They’re great at smut
I also like angst
They’re always great for angst, either character
Also look at them they are hot AF
Beefcake service-top vs. β€˜shaped like a katana’ masochist
Healthy dose of hurt-comfort
They’re extremely flexible to write and so there’s a lot of stories you can create
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thank you for not reporting me to the powerpoint police
164 notes Β· View notes
bleue-flora Β· 4 months ago
I did some snooping of my own as well as had people find or rule some out (I’ll probably continue to update this as we go on so to check the updated list return to the original post instead of the reblogs)
Alright, by popular demand here it is. There are likely things on here that may not exist yet because the map is from before the finales or don't exist at all or aren’t on this map (these items will be marked DNE - does not exist). I don't know, but that's part of the fun I suppose. :) Feel free to leave the answers in my asks, tag me, or just use the tag: #dsmp scavenger hunt so I can find your posts. <3 Good Luck!
DSMP Scavenger Hunt
1. Staged Duo Island [related post]
βœ”οΈ2a. Map #1 - Found βœ”οΈ2b. Map #4 from Dream’s wall in his bedroom cell [related post] (hopefully they are oriented right, I based it on the other wall maps’ orientation) - Found
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2b. is Sam's Base at -3803 70 -3926 [post] (seems the map was oriented wrong oops, my bad... apparently it was right on his wall)
2a. has been determined by @sumwan to be a map of a more completed version of Sam’s handmade retirement island [post] (which is not actually shown in its completion on the dsmp map we were given, but is another mystery solved nonetheless :D)
βœ–οΈ3. Quackity's storage room (what is in the chests?) [clip] - DNE
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Given the look of this room and the presumed general area based off of the stream, I searched everywhere and am going to say this no longer exists and must have be changed since April 2021, perhaps it was part of a Las Nevadas building during construction… so no new torture method lore I guess :[
4. Quackity’s birthday poster (does it really say he’s 28? Or that his birthday is on December 28?)
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5. Dream’s house (does he actually have one that’s not the prison or his old secret base)
βœ–οΈ6a. Revival Book Lab [clip] - DNE βœ–οΈ6b. Punz's secret underground room - DNE
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6b. The finale secret room has been confirmed to not have been built yet [post]
6a. It is a general consensus at this point that because Punz's tower does not appear the same as in the video that the video was filmed on a different map so there is no lab.
βœ–οΈ7. Dream’s bed for respawning in the disc confrontation (it had to be close for him to get there so fast [related post]) - DNE [post]
βœ”οΈ8. Warden’s prison stasis chamber on the outside [clip] - Found [post]
9. Does Quackity have an in Minecraft calendar? (that Dream mentions [clip] & is shown in vod)
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10. Did they make a replica of the cell for the scrapped lore and just never filmed it?
βœ”οΈ11. Books Dream gave to Techno in prison (are they all empty?) - Found
No, the one labeled Dream says β€œdear technoblade” and the others also have things in them, not necessarily super notable but not nothing [post].
βž–12. Dream’s letter to Techno - Maybe?
There is a world in which it could perhaps be the Dream book with β€œdear technoblade” in it [post] because that is what the scene ends on [clip].
13. Revival Book
14. Are there multiple Enderboo prison waivers for multiple visits?
βž–15. The OG pink bed (shown in old enderchest [from this post] but not later) - Unfindable
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So there are actually a shit ton of pink beds on the server a result of Eret’s β€˜you matter <3’ pink wool and the og pink sheep at the community house no doubt. So I think this will be pretty impossible, unless we find something that seems like Dream’s house which has a pink bed.
βœ”οΈ16. Does Dream have any named possessions? - Yes
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A fish named J DAWG, good on Sneapeekay for giving Dream a pet, our boy has an attachment now :) [post]
17. Dreamrider [clip]
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βœ”οΈ18a. Dream’s blue shield - Found 18b. Smile shield from staged finale
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18a. George still has it in his ender chest :) [post]
*40. Bonus Addition - Sam’s missing Warden items [related post] including : 40a. WARDENS WILL 40b. His armor and βœ”οΈ 40c. His trident Wardens Mercy - Found [post]
βœ”οΈ19. Enchantments of Quackity’s netherite low durability axe - Found
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Efficiency V and Mending [post]
βœ”οΈ20. Enchantments of Quackity’s diamond sword - Found
Sharpness I [same post as axe]
βœ”οΈ21. Enchantments of Quackity’s diamond pickaxe - Found
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Fortune II and Efficiency III [same post as axe]
βœ”οΈ22. Dream’s armor enchantments after prison (how does it compare to Nightmare?) - Found
Pretty comparable as far as main enchants go, but definitely missing the extra frills [post] (thank you to @sumwan for finding Nightmare)
βœ”οΈ23. Would Techno and Dream have been able to escape from under the cell? [clip] - I think EVENTUALLY Yes [post]
βœ”οΈ24. Is the End completely untouched? [related post] - Yes
@blockgamepirate has made the observation that no End file exist so presumably they never went to the end before the finale.
βœ”οΈ25. Are the cow and sheep still at the disc confrontation vault? - No
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Just For Fun - Where are these?
βœ”οΈ26. KSI portraits from sex class (are there any still around?) - Yes
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I do not have the plugin but all maps seem to still be in the school.
βœ”οΈ28. Dream’s Diary - Found
It was still in the cell.... [post]
29. β€œthanks for visiting” prison book
30. The :) book Sapnap gives to Ranboo from Dream in prison
31. Sam’s book that says "I am not an idiot "over and over
32. The L’manberg photo from the finale [clip]
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βœ”οΈ33. Are there any Tales of the SMP sets? - Yes
@feyscape has found the City of Mizu at 13979 70 12937 [post]
@feyscape’s website notes that The Town That Never Was is at 843 97 -296 [link]
βœ”οΈ34. EggΒ - Found
Oddly, near Bad and Skeppy's mansion and the prison, not the banquet room, at 325 11 -884 [post]
35. Bones and Skeppy’s house (in Egg Finale) [clip]
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βœ”οΈ36. Antarctica Tommy got teleported to when he was banned on his first day [related post] - Found
@feyscape website coordinates at 2000 64 2500 [link]
37. The ocean monuments missing elder guardians (for prison build)?
38a. Fundy's house in mesa 38b. Fundy’s nightmare set in mesa biome [clip]
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βœ”οΈ39. Dream’s parrot’s grave [Dream's parrot] - Found
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@oduvany has found it at 237 2309 [post]
Helpful Resources
@sumwan’s post [here] tells how to access inventories
And @seriousbusiness4130 left some helpful replies on my post about finding the loaded chunks of a map:
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@feyscape has set up a helpful coordinates archive [here]
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kexyyxx Β· 2 months ago
Posting this into my own post rather than just a reblog because I feel like it's important. (And I yapped too much, so hear me outπŸ˜”) Original post by @randomthefox
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I don't think that they don't have interest in Amy. I agree with some of the points made here, but, I'll be honest, as a hardcore Amy Rose fan, I'm GLAD that she is actually making an appearance later in a fourth movie. (Never thought I would say this tbh)
You see, we meet MANY Sonic fans in the fandom who have absolutely NO FUCKING IDEA about Amy and her personality. This pink hedgehog has a complex writing as of now, and she RIGHTFULLY deserves her own movie for that. Yes, it would have been good if she was in previous movies to discover her character a bit more throughout it, but honestly, I don't think that would have been good enough. Why? Because I feel like the writers wouldn't have really focused on her character itself, but rather than to just cramp another person into the films.
And butcher her? Skin her alive? Honestly, if they were able to make the infamous "idiot Knuckles who has muscle for a brain" into a well written character, why wouldn't they do that with Amy? Hell, if they were able to make the laughingstock of the old "Emo Shadow" some people made fun of into an absolute unit, to the point where even Non-Sonic fans are GUSHING over him, why can't they do that with Amy? Let's have a little faith peopleπŸ‘
And let's be honest, Paramount is STILL a company who wants MONEY. They are one of the more normal companies' due to them actually listening to their own fans, but come on. Ever since the second, and now the third movie's success, they see that they can get more cash from us, OF COURSE they are going to seperate other characters into other films and not cramp them up. That would be less profit if they already put other well known characters into the previous films. And yes, to the person who wrote in the question: "they can gain extra points from subsections of the fanbase for including her"
That's... kinda the point for companies? They try to find little exits on where they could get more money. But that doesn't mean that they are just going to completely fuck Amy up, because those subsections (like meπŸ₯°) would go absolutely berserk, and that would be a minus money-wise.
Also, we are forgetting one thing; video game movies are never Ctrl C and Ctrl V onto the canvas. Yes I'm also disappointed that they left MANY important things out of it which was important in SA2 (such as Rouge, Maria's final words, LITERALLY AMY, etc., what you mentioned), but we have to remember that this is a different universe from the sonic games with some of it's own rules.
Lastly, I don't think that they feel that women are unimportant. Remember Rachel? Maddie is right there too?? Jojo is also an amazing and kind soul. They are strong women characters with some yummy writing. Okay, yeah, they are human, and yeah, they don't have much screen time, but I don't think we can even say a single bad word about these ladies' stories. They brightened up the movies with their own moments, and I have faith that other future female characters are going to do just that.
Again, this isn't ATTACKING, I'm just stating my own opinion.
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deadinthelake Β· 9 months ago
Bro what happened in the nevercord?? I am not a part of it but still curious
EDIT: please look at @thelesbomancer β€˜s post/reblog, and @gothwineaunts β€˜s post about this situation!
please defer to your own judgment when it comes to this, and don’t use my post as the end all be all! Those two posts have much more information on all of this! This post was made as this all unfolded and might be out of date (also turning off reblogs because i’m not an authority on this )
i'm gonna be careful not to name any names here because I don't want to start a hate train and I'm looking at all of this as neutral as possible and also please please please don't think of this like a call-out post or anything, it's not! I still think you can be a fan of rnf and support their work, this is just why I'm chosing to take a break from doing so!
Content Warning below for mentions of explicit content being sent to minors ( by a server member, not RnF, THANK GOD )
i don't have all the details but basically, someone was banned for sending heavy nsfw/pornographic images to minors, and then was unbanned later on because of two reasons
one: the children the images were sent too were banned from nevercord for varying reasons ( closest explanation I remember is about these kids doing witchhunts, whatever that means )
two: the evidence was apparently "unreliable" and heavily censored.
Also, the minors themselves didn't report this information, an adult did with screenshots, censoring the users of the kids.
The offending person claimed that they never knew the ages of the people talking to them and thought they were all adults, even though at least two victims from my knowledge have come forward and said the person did, in fact know their ages. The only age I've heard for sure was 12 years old.
My problem with the situation arised was when Red, the writer of Nevermore, posted a lengthy explanation that was pretty poorly worded. She used phrases about the situation, such as "egged on" or "cried wolf" about being sent this sexual content, saying it was the job of minors to stay safe on the internet. I was raising my eyebrow at that point, because the whole thing sounded rather victim-blamey.
Red then said that the evidence was faulty and suspicious for being heavily censored ( i don't know the full extent of the censoring ), and because of the fact it came from one person, an adult who was friends with some of the people who had been banned, implied reporting that behavior was all some sort of tatic to get one person they didn't like banned.
When a ton of people were (understandably, in my opinion) very upset by this response, including the victims, and other neutral parties, Red got very upset and started lashing out. I understand It had to be a stressful situation, having tons of people talking at you at once, but she started saying rather guilt tripping things, such as "I'm a horrible person then" "everything I do is actually for evil purposes", stuff along those lines. Admittedly, the situation was pretty upsetting to me, so once Red started saying those things I left. I might return to Nevermore one day, if there's signs of change and the like. I still deeply enjoy the comic, and the community! I don't think RnF are horrible people, I just think they worded this very poorly, and then continued to lash out when it didn't go as excepted lmao I'll grab some of the screenshots I took, and ask if my friends have any to add! If anyone else has anything to add about the situation, please do so in the notes or reblogs! I'm just saying my perspective here, and why I chose to leave! There might have been things I missed! screenshots below!
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anyways, those are all the screenshots i have on haha, again for the millionth time I dont want this to become a massive big drama
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snowcollector Β· 1 year ago
CARLYRAEJEPSANS is a proshipper who lies about it, ships char(asriel and is mutuals with popular UTDR in(cest shippers, necrophil(ia fic posters, UTDR ra(pe fic posters, sh(otacons and groomers
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readmore for triggering content since people requested it after my last callout
first of all carlyraejepsans posted this on their good omens blog which shows that they think anticest people on their utdr blog are basically stupid children and they talk about having a nec(rophilia/corpsef**cking mutual
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and as you can see in the first few screenshots they HATE people who are against in(cest fic. they're also friends with imptwins who they used to have blocked for making under(age UTDR art
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but now they're friends again.
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IMPTWINS makes r(ape fic of S(uselle (drugging and r(aping her) and carlyraejepsans used to have them blocked for their reputation but doesn't care anymore and unblocked them but they definitely know about it
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imptwins also admitted to committing actual se(xual assault against real people and downplayed it by saying it's just what all teens do.
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despite Imptwins admitting to se(xually assaulting multiple people carlyrae has defended this and changed the story so it was just one person in a bad relationship imptwins se(xually assaulted and then threatened to beat people to death for bringing it up
imptwins and kimberlyeab made friends with a minor who read their s(mut (like the Suselle drugging/ra(ping fic they advertised in the main UTDR tags with no content filters so it can't be blocked or filtered) and invited the minor into their private discord servers and sent the minor into my askbox to defend them and "prove" they aren't being groomed.
carlyraepesans is also mutuals with wordbending who is a sh(otacon
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who is a supporter of kimberlyeab and wordbending loves in(cest, as you can see here
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wordbending also makes in(cest fic of underage UTDR characters including char(isk s(mut which carlyraejepsans reads because it's aged up and they think aged up Frisk is hot
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they also think it's okay to se(xualize the kid characters and age them up to do it
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(this was about flowey/asriel but they use it to excuse them reading "aged up" sm(ut of charisk and finding frisk attractive)
carlyraejepsans is a big supporter of fictional in(cests and thinks toby fox is too
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they interact with people who have proship DNI because they don't care.
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they unfollowed Ish_Bruhh after they made a callout post for Zixzs (who makes in(cest porn of Kris/Toriel) but they used to follow them
and they support kimberlyeab who lies about their age and intercts with a 15 year old who reads their utdr ns(fw content and blocked me for telling them kimberlyeab was a groomer (proof post here) and liked this tweet AFTER I showed them proof kimberlyeab was a groomer
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they also ship char(asriel which is an in(cest ship
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they also lied about having the tag blocked because they often reblog art that open tagged ch(asriel which they wouldn't see if they had the tag blocked
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this was reblogged from their mutual wordbending who again writes s(mut of them char(isk and char(asriel and likes sh(otacon
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carlyrae pretends the reason they don't interact with wordbending anymore is because of the sh(otacon thing but it's actually just because wordbending got banned, imptwins also retweens lol(isho and carlyrae is still friends with imptwins.
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carlyraejepsans knows about what these people do and says that who they interact with is none of my business even though they're admitted pe(dophiles who have committed irl se(xual assault
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so if you're wondering why they blocked you for no reason it's probably because you're against in(cest and und(ragefic and sh(otacon and all their friends and mutuals are into it but they're hiding it from the public for their reputation so they can keep following people with proship DNI in their profiles
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letteredlettered Β· 4 months ago
Related to your last post: For me tumblr would work better as a community site if there was a function that would hide reblogs of the same posts. I get overwhelmed if I follow more than ten people in the same fandom because of the repeating posts. With work and everything else, I don't have the hours to find the original things people are saying. Reddit works better sometimes except the subreddits often have very surface level discussions with high amount of newcomers asking the same questions and the topics are quite limited. Maybe I should just try if there is life on Dreamwidth :P
This ask is a response to this post I made about feedback to fic and fandom community.
Anon, I agree 100% regarding the difficulties of tumblr for discussion that builds community. If you're following this discussion, than you may have already seen these follow-ups:
@eleadore added their thoughts about preserving reader spaces in a reblog here
@yiiiiiiiikes25 added thoughts similar to yours re tumblr's poor functionality as a community space here
@thehoneybeet added to the post that sparked my post here, about how to foster the kind of community we're all saying we want.
I'm linking these posts because I want to call attention to them; I think they're great. But I'm linking them in response to you specifically because yes there are multiple vectors to this problem--the web enshittification I described in my post, the splintering of fandom after the death of livejournal, and the difficulty of tumblr as a venue.
But it's that last, the difficulty of tumblr as a venue, that means that even like-minded people who want the community we're discussing can't really have it. Some went to, and are still on, dreamwidth. Frankly, I still find myself deeply irritated that fandom didn't move there, that it accepted AO3 and not DW. But I think a large factor in that particular exodus actually has to do with the fact that AO3 is closer to the direction the enshittified web went than DW ever could be. AO3 has a "like" button and is not built for deep, meaningful interaction. Again, this is because it was meant to be a limb of the fandom community, not replace community entirely. I'm not claiming that AO3 is enshittified but rather that it bears more similarity to current social media sites because it's only one part of a community that was at the time, thriving (yes, in spite of strikethrough and everything that was happening on LJ at the time).
In my opinion, tumblr straddles the divide between that old style of community website and the new one. Like livejournal and DW, you can view tumblr chronologically, without an algorithm feeding you content. You can remain anonymous, and everyone can see anything you post. But like other more modern social media sites, you can reblog and like, which you couldn't do on LJ and DW. The fact that tumblr is sort of both--and that it wasn't sold to the Russians and torn apart, like LJ--is why fandom fled here and why scattered pieces of it remain here, despite so many others moving on.
One thing I wanted to talk about in my original post, but couldn't find a place for, was how so much of the "community" aspects of fandom are now private. I think that's happened partly because tumblr isn't a great place to hold a conversation, so the conversation quickly gets moved elsewhere--but instead of somewhere where everyone is still welcome (ahem, like Dreamwidth), it gets moved to private spaces. Or the conversation never starts and exists only in the kinds of spaces meant for such things.
@thehoneybeet makes great points about this in the post I linked above. They mention "the invite-only server, the private ao3 challenge, groups and experiences that you need to be in-the-know about to even begin to participate in. that, essentially, require an invitation."
@eleadore mentions it at the beginning of their reblog (also linked above), saying, "i feel discussions of this nature have been severely crippled over the yrs, and people prefer to take to private group chats and such instead of engaging [...]" But they go on to mention "private discord book club servers."
To be clear, I'm 100% with @eleadore about the necessity for spaces for readers, and also 100% with them at the idea that there can be spaces authors don't have to touch. Writers don't "deserve" to hear every single thing anyone's ever said about their fic, positive or negative. Earlier this year I in fact made an impassioned post about the fact that I believe that bookmarks are for readers, not writers, and that making them a space purely for an author's comfort limits the functionality of bookmarks for readers, both in terms of finding fic but also in terms of finding friends.
So, yes, I agree that it's okay to have private discord book club servers. But the mention of discord did make me do a double-take, because in my opinion, discord is a huge part of what I perceive as the problem. You can't find a discord for your chosen fandom by searching discord. You have to have the link. Even if the discord isn't invite-only--which many of them are, you can usually only get the link by knowing someone.
There are all kinds of reasons for why discord is so private. Discords are run by mods, who feel responsible for what happens to people in spaces for which they are responsible. And mods who take a laissez-faire "everyone just do what they want" approach often have servers dominated by people who make the environment difficult, sometimes through racism, sometimes through bullying, sometimes by constantly bringing up traumatic or triggering content, sometimes just by making everything about them all the time. It's not like lj or even tumblr, where you can just unfollow. You're kind of stuck, unless you've got a mod who is policing vigorously, which is a huge job and impossible to do in ways that will make everyone happy. It's just easier if you don't have anyone and everyone wandering through.
I hate that. It makes me want to throw things. To me, fandom is about a space that's for anyone and everyone. You shouldn't have to know someone to get to have discussions about the thing you love. That's not why I'm here. In fact, in some ways I'm in fandom to get away from that kind of bullshit, so I don't have to construct some kind of social persona that is palatable enough to be accepted. I'm hear to talk about blorbos and read porn, maybe write a thing or two. A private discord book club made intentionally as a safe space for readers is a great use for discord. But discord as a place for fandom actually makes me feel a little ill.
I don't have a good suggestion of where fandom community should be built. To me, the best place is dreamwidth, and I think that after fifteen years, I really need to give up on the idea that enough people will move there (in this economy????) to really get the numbers you need to be able to find the people with whom you really click and connect. When tumblr tried to ban nudes, a lot of people talked up other possibilities--and some people went, to Mastadon, to pillowfort, even to twitter and IG. But those spaces all have their downsides, and none of them have the critical mass to be a real fandom home. As before, I have no conclusions about this. I just wanted to highlight some other aspects of this problem and describe some other food for thought.
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lemoncrushh Β· 4 months ago
This is why I haven't been writing...
This got long, but I had to say it.
The lack of feedback has always been something writers struggle with, at least in the ten years I've been on tumblr. It's nothing new. But it feels like instead of improving, it's gotten even worse.
Years ago, I had a long-time mutual bash me for complaining about it, calling me entitled. I was upset about it then, but here's the thing...I am entitled. And so is every other writer on here. We are all entitled to a little feedback and interaction. That's what we're here for.
I understand the drought we're in without any new Harry content. But I would think that would bring even more readers. Instead, it's crickets. There are a handful of popular writers on here who constantly receive asks and get interaction, and I am in no way saying they don't deserve it. They absolutely do. But the rest of us do too.
Writing fanfiction is not a job. We do this shit for free. But it's still as time-consuming as a real job. And to only get likes with very few random reblogs here and there is very disheartening. We are content creators. I understand tumblr may not be like other apps and websites, but it's still content. And likes here mean nothing. It's not like on tikok or instagram where the algorithm somehow keeps track of likes. On tumblr it doesn't mean shit. Your like is not going to make my post show up on someone else's dash. The only way to get content shared on this app is to actually SHARE IT. That's what the reblog button is for.
Imagine how a content creator on any other platform would feel if they got no feedback. If nobody was interacting with them, they would probably get their feelings hurt and eventually pack it in. That is now I feel now. Tbh, I can't believe I've been here this long. If this were a job or a relationship, and I was telling someone else about how long I've been doing this with little to no reciprocation...they would shake their heads at me and tell me I was a fucking fool and I needed to get out of this situation.
Am I getting on my high horse? Damn right I am. I have been biting my tongue for far too long. I have made so many excuses over the years...that fic was too personal and didn't appeal to the mass audience, that fic was an AU and not everyone likes AUs, that fic was too long and most tumblr readers don't read chaptered fics, that fic had such-and-such trope that readers don't like, there are too many writers here now, nobody reads that kind of fic anymore they only want smut, that fic was too smutty, you're just too old and nobody likes you anymore...yes I've told myself all of it. And maybe I'll never really know why you guys don't like my fics or why you won't interact with me. All I know is I'm sick of trying.
I had - and actually still HAVE - loads of ideas for Harry fics. I am honestly so sad that I may never write them. But I just can't bring myself to get motivated and excited to write something when nobody gives a damn.
This definitely turned into a rant, but it's how I feel. I used to really like it on here, but that joy is long gone. Things really changed after the pandemic, and the newer fans don't seem to use tumblr the way we used to - and the older fans like me have mostly left or only pop in sporadically when something happens.
I was never here for likes. I'm bored just scrolling through pictures. Fandom to me was all about interaction and about finding people who loved the thing you loved. Nobody here gives a shit anymore.
I love Harry Styles. And tbh I still love fanfiction. I'm not deleting my blog because I deleted my heart-attack-harry one I'd had for years back in 2021, and I regretted it. This one will remain. And I'll still pop in now and then to read. But my heart is just not in the writing anymore.
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takamimami Β· 6 months ago
takamimami Celebrates 100 Followers!!
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What better way to celebrate a milestone than with these three goofballs?!
Seriously though, I want to thank everyone who has liked, followed, reblogged, and interacted with any of my works I've posted on this blog. Let me start off by actually introducing myself:
Hi! My name is Tia/Angel/Princess/any pet name you want to call me :3 - I am a 27-year-old loser who shamelessly obsesses over people I will never meet. I pride myself in trying to be an open book, so I am always open to chatting about anything from anime, video games, music, books - but I need to come with my own CW because I am unhinged 87% of the time (srynotsry). I once saw this post that said something like 'Create pieces that you are the target audience for' and that is 100% my motto when it comes to writing, so the fact that anyone enjoys what I create is amazing bc it means I'm not as crazy or alone as I once thought I was <3 (ew that was oddly sappy). This blog is technically a side blog where I post my writings, so if you really wanna be friends, consider following/interacting with me on my main page @limitlesstildil
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Supernova Captains 100 Follower Event:
The rules are pretty easy: submit an ask here and choose a prompt from the lists below, and then let me know which of our lovely captains you want me to write about for you!! ALL WILL BE WRITTEN AS X READER FICS - SO PLEASE SPECIFY IF YOU PREFER F!READER, M!READER, OR G/N!READER!!
Be mindful of what prompt you are choosing - Smut prompts will be NSFW - Fluff Prompts will be SFW - and Angst will be SFW unless you request otherwise :3 NOTE: you can select choose for me to write a prompt for all three captains, but the blurbs will be smaller (5-600 words each) than if you just choose one of them. Single character pieces will be roughly 1.5k words - give or take (and also depending on my self control :3) ALSO: please feel free to include any ideas/pet names/headcanons you would like me to include/lean into - I want to personalize them for whoever is asking as much as possible so do not hold back when it comes to letting me know what you're in the mood for :3 HAPPY REQUESTING <3
β€œDon’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
β€œWe should probably leave, before we start a scandal.”
β€œMy tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
β€œJealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
β€œI could make you feel better.”
β€œI know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.”
β€œYour hand feels so much better than mine.”
β€œYour moans will wake everyone up and I’m oddly fine with that.”
β€œYour eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.”
β€œHow about we get really dirty before we shower, so that it’s actually worth the effort?”
β€œOh, you’re such a tease!”
β€œHmm, is that a threat or a promise?”
β€œI want to ruin you.”
Our bodies fit so well together.”
β€œMake me shut up then.”
β€œHow come you always end up under my blanket?”
β€œHave I told you I love you today?”
β€œI would like my good morning kiss now.”
β€œYou getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
β€œI think I know what that smile means.”
β€œYou give the best hugs.”
β€œYou’re enough for me.”
β€œWait, we have a few more minutes.”
β€œYou’re just the cutest.” β€œYou’re the only one who is allowed to say that.”
β€œDo you think they will like it?”
β€œSweet of you to think of me.” β€œI always think of you.”
β€œYou make me a better person.”
β€œEverything alright?β€Β β€œI just missed you.”
β€œI wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else.”
β€œCome on. Let’s go home.”
β€œI shouldn’t have left.”
"Please don't talk about yourself like that."
β€œNo, this can’t be real!”
β€œWe tried our best.”
β€œPlease, let me in.”
β€œCan’t you understand why that hurts me?”
β€œI asked you not do this, but you did it anyway.”
β€œDon’t touch me!”
β€œI’ve always been alone.”
β€œIt hurts, but I’ll live.”
β€œPlease, tell me you're ok.”
β€œSleep doesn’t come that easy without you.”
β€œI don’t really care anymore.”
β€œNo, I’m actually not ok.”
β€œYou just can’t help it, can you?”
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lanymme Β· 1 year ago
it 1000% feels like, for the lack of time/aid/skill, the translators end up using machine TL for events, and that image you posted as an example feels like a prime candidate for that
fiammetta's file lines to this day are awkward and stunted because they're almost word for word machine TLs
Okay I was gonna wait a little while for this post but you hit the nail on the head.
My (apparently not-so) tinfoil hat theory about this game: nearly all of it is machine translated.
While reading Dorothy's Vision in preparation for Lone Trail, I came across a (probably infamous) stretch of critically story-relevant text that was not translated at all. A friend of mine directed me to the arknights story reader, where I looked into the EN translation and, yep, that's still Chinese. So I ran it through a Machine TL to get the jist of it. It was serviceable, a lot of the terms translated surprisingly well, but the moment to moment writing was obscured to me by the TL quality.
And in a moment of dread I realized it read EXACTLY like any old bit of Arknights story, and everything clicked. The problems I have always had with the sentence structure and word choice feeling strangely disjointed, lacking in logical flow--all of it showed up the same from this raw machine translation.
Y'all. We've been getting a poorly touched-up machine translation of the Chinese text this whole time. All the effort you have to put in to just figure out what's being said--it's not your fault, the story is not too smart for you, it's because you're being asked to read a machine translation, without the context that it will be rough and full of holes.. Everything that writing is--beyond merely conveying information or a sequence of events--we get none of that.
Think about all the nuance we missed of your favorite characters. Your favorite moments. How much of their nuance and depth did we miss?
How many other characters and moments did you dismiss or skim because the writing couldn't convey their emotional core? How many of those could have been as important to you as your current fave?
The fact that Kal'tsit comes across as unintelligible--does she instead sound wise and poetic, in the original?
How much of the full text of Arknights do you think is available to us? 80%? 40%? Who can say.
But I can say one thing. What we have now is not acceptable.
Edit: hey, it’s been put forward by people with actual expertise in this field that MTL is highly unlikely here, and I realize I was a bit bold for this. If this is coming up in your feed pls seek out their explanations of things instead of reblogging the root! Thanks!
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untitledmemes Β· 1 year ago
Hazbin Hotel Prompts
Part I An assortment of prompts taken from the series Hazbin Hotel on Amazon Prime. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. In case of Multimuse, don't forget to specify which one/s. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
β€œ Oh, shit. Did you hear all of that? ”
β€œ I enjoy your theatrics. ”
β€œ I just hope what I'm trying to do here will work. ”
β€œ Well hello there, you wayward sinner. Do you like blood, violence and depravity of a sexual nature? ”
β€œ Your last attempt at salvation starts here. ”
β€œ Thank you so much for making this. Seriously. Amazing. ”
β€œ Oh, fun. You had a little fun with it? ”
β€œ Sex sells, don't it? ”
β€œ I really don't want to exploit you in that way. ”
β€œ This body was made to be exploited. ”
β€œ I could keep goin' all night, baby. ”
β€œ Why do you think I'm here? ”
β€œ I like being forced. ”
β€œ I'm choosing to be here, and I think it's all stupid. ”
β€œ That's kind of the end of the road, ain't it? ”
β€œ Just because nobody made it out before, doesn't mean it's not possible. ”
β€œ There's just no way I could blow it, not this once in a lifetime chance. ”
β€œ It's a happy day in hell. ”
β€œ Ha! I fucking got you!. ”
β€œ So, I'm happy we got this opportunity to meet. ”
β€œ I need you to be less horny, if possible. ”
β€œ I ain't no actor! I can't memorize this shit! ”
β€œ So, anyway, we fucked and it was awesome. ”
β€œ Fucking love putting my name on shit. Shit's the best. ”
β€œ Alright, um, maybe we can try and fix it in post. ”
β€œ Seems like you're having a bit of trouble there, hm? ”
β€œ I wouldn't try that, my dear. ”
β€œ I don't care who or what you are. If you're staying here, you are going to make this work. ”
β€œ Awesome job, danger tits. Pound it. ”
β€œ Those are my people. You know that, right? ”
β€œ They had their chance and they earned damnation. ”
β€œ How does that feel? To know how little you matter. ”
β€œ Let me stop you right there, save us all precious time. ”
β€œ Did I hear you imply they don't deserve death? ”
β€œ It means we're all royally fucked. ”
β€œ We should just go down there now and destroy them. ”
β€œ Oh please, you had less than half a chance when you started all this. ”
β€œ Well, it's not like people are going to show up at our doorstep. ”
β€œ Now that's good television. ”
β€œ Whatever could be the problem, my dear? ”
β€œ Fuck my life. ”
β€œ I have a fire to put out upstairs. ”
β€œ Well, looks like you have everything under control here. ”
β€œ Take care of the piss baby. ”
β€œ That fucking slut walked out on me. ME. I fucking made him! ”
β€œ Which of these makes me look sexier? ”
β€œ What are you doing? You're not going over there. ”
β€œ Now that's why they pay you the big bucks. ”
β€œ I think he's had enough. ”
β€œ Thank you... For letting your guard down! ”
β€œ Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. ”
β€œ That fucker is back! ”
β€œ You still pissed he almost beat you that time? ”
β€œ Things changed a lot since he left town. ”
β€œ Welcome home. I'm gonna make you wish that you stayed gone. ”
β€œ Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? ”
β€œ Where's he been? Who gives a shit? ”
β€œ You old timey prick, I'll show you suffering. ”
β€œ I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone. ”
β€œ How exactly are we supposed to stop it? ”
β€œ Who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting? ”
β€œ I didn't come looking for a fight. ”
β€œ Aren't you supposed to protect this place? ”
β€œ I give you a week. Tops. ”
β€œ It's nice to have someone interested for once. ”
β€œ Never leave me again. ”
β€œ I definitely remember you now. ”
β€œ It's great, right? Keep going. ”
β€œ The only cool thing has is to say no to drugs. ”
β€œ I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage! ”
β€œ You like me. You really like me! ”
β€œ You actually think you can change? ”
β€œ You slippery little shit! ”
β€œ I fucking knew there was something shitty about you. ”
β€œ Get your aggressively average body off of me! ”
β€œ This little bitch is a traitor! ”
β€œ Wait, you were caught? It hasn't even been a day! ”
β€œ The path to forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts, but sorry is where it starts. ”
β€œ Why are you so lame? ”
β€œ You'll have to try better than that next time, ol' pal. ”
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